Drøhse’s House is one of Tønder’s best-preserved historical buildings. Built in 1672, this is a beautiful and evocative Baroque house, in which many original architectural details and high-quality workmanship are preserved.
Following extensive restoration work, the house received a prestigious Europa Nostra award in 1985.
Explore the beautiful historical building and visit our exhibitions that tell the story of lacemaking in Tønder.
The house also hosts smaller, temporary exhibitions of local arts and crafts.
Don’t miss the Tønder Lace Garden.
The garden design is inspired by a 200-year-old lace pattern in the museum’s collection.

Drøhse's House
Storegade 14
6270 Tønder
E-mail: drohses@msj.dk
Tlf.: 65 37 08 09
Wednesday - Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Adults: DKK 60
Children (under 18): free
Students: 20% discount
Club members: free
Groups of 10 or more: 20% discount per person